I believe meditation has helped with my work and allowed me to have empathy with other people. I feel that, by meditating, I have been able to more fully understand myself.
Answer by the Law of Kamma :- How could I pay back my parents’ gratitude?
How could I pay back my parents’ gratitude?
While I was in my deep sleep at the back of the bus, I woke up with a jerk because a thief was taking my necklace from my neck. As I didn’t want to have problems, I got away from the thief by moving to sit in the front seat.
Son Must Not Receive Heritage
He was born with a scar on the left chest. When everyone in the family saw the scar, they suddenly knew that he was reborn from the previous life but did not know whom. When he saw my uncle and my aunt, he called them father and mother. No one believed that he was my uncle and aunt’s son that was reborn.
Resurrection to Quit
When my husband was young, he drank and smoked a lot. One day, he coughed and was unconscious. His body was cold and I was frightened. After he regained consciousness, he said to me “Please go to pay respects to Luang Pu and King Rama V.” Later, he was able to quit smoking and drinking. Why did my husband do so after he regained consciousness? What did he see?
The Kalyanamitra School
A school that is a kalyanamitra School can be a school of any levels, whether it be primary, secondary
My Beloved Grandmothers
What demerit caused her mother to be paralyzed, have diabetes, and have both her legs amputated? Did letting her hair grow long and requesting to have a longer life at the Phra Gan Shrine enable her to live for another 10 years? What demerit caused her father to have bleeding in his digestive system and die?
A True Buddhist
When I reviewed my notes from a sermon given by a respected senior monk during my research for this book, I incidentally came monk during my research for this book,
Some students got low marks from the entrance exam, which constrained them to study in their less favored college. what should they do?
I would like to ask Luang Phaw about the college entrance examination of high school students. Some of my students were disappointed with the low marks they got from the exam, which deprived them of the chance to enter their chosen college. Then they were constrained to having to study in their less favored college. May Luang Phaw explain to me regarding what they should do?
It's Up To You Who You Choose
when I turned 30, I was pregnant and delivered a baby boy. When my son turned 7 years old, I faced the crisis of my life because I knew that my husband had an affair. I tried to revenge his actions by turning to be a prostitute again.Then one day, I asked him “Who would you choose between me and her?”